Questo sito o gli strumenti terzi da questo utilizzati si avvalgono di cookie necessari al funzionamento ed utili alle finalità illustrate nella cookie policy.
Se si vuol saperne di più o negare il consenso a tutti o ad alcuni cookie, consultare la cookie policy.
Continuando la navigazione, si acconsente all'uso dei cookie.

Information on cookies


Our cookies policy

While users browse this website, (hereafter, “the website”) information of various sorts is collected. These pieces of information allow us to identify which computers, browsers, and/or mobile devices are being used. This is made possible by small text files called “cookies” and by other very similar IT tools, which -- for the purpose of this document -- can also be considered
as cookies.
Cookies installed through the website can be divided into the following categories:
Technical cookies: They are strictly related to browsing the website. As such, they guarantee the normal, correct use of the website. Among other things, they make it possible for you to keep track of your choices (e.g., which language you chose and the font of the characters you used), to identify which computer or mobile device is being used each time there is a new user, and to manage any ordinary website access (thus making it possible for you to stay connected in the login protected area throughout your session). Cookies are also used for statistical purposes, so as to enhance our internet service and make the website more user friendly.
So-called “Third party cookies” are cookies installed by third parties through the website. Among them are cookies installed by Google Analytics, which are used for statistical purposes both in aggregate and anonymous ways. They are also used to analyze how users access and browse the website.
How to refuse cookies and/or proceed to cancel technical cookies.
If you wish, you can set your browser (by using the available options) to prevent cookies from being installed automatically. You may also erase from your computer or mobile device all the cookies previously installed.
This procedure varies, depending on what browser you are using. Here are the links to the most common browsers:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:

Internet Explorer:

Apple Safari:

PLEASE NOTE: Disabling and/or cancelling cookies may cause inconveniencies when you visit the website.




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